This Week's Study Guide

‘Who We Are’ Week 3: Called to Follow

Message-based study guide for small groups. Looking for past study guides, click here


  • Begin with a brief welcome and prayer to set the tone for the group time. 
  • Introduce the theme: Following Jesus through embracing the gospel and living a life of surrender. 


Discussion Questions 

What does it mean to follow Jesus? 
In the message, Jason talked about his concern that we tend to get this wrong occasionally. Do you agree or disagree? How do you define following Jesus for you personally, and how would you describe it to someone who isn’t a follower of Jesus? 

The Gospel in Your Life: 
Read Acts 2:22-41 as a group. What stands out to you in Peter’s first sermon? How does it challenge or encourage your understanding of the gospel? 

How have you personally embraced the gospel? Share with the group moments of realization or change when this message became real to you. 

Repentance and Baptism: 
Discuss the call to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38). What does repentance look like in daily life? Have you been baptized, and what did it mean for you? 

Surrendering to Jesus: 
Jesus says in Matthew 16:24-26 to deny oneself and take up the cross. How does this call to surrender resonate with your personal experience? What have you had to “give up” to follow Jesus fully? 

Would you say that surrender is a recurring part of your Christian walk? 

Identifying Areas for Growth: 
Are there areas of your life where you feel you need to surrender more to Jesus? What practical steps can you take to grow in these areas? How can we as a group support one another? 


Bible Reflection 

  • Spend 10 minutes silently reading Matthew 16:24-26 again, asking God to speak to your heart about areas of your life that need surrender. 
  • Afterward, share any insights or convictions that came up during this quiet time. 


Prayer Time 

  • Either break into pairs or smaller groups or as a group share and pray for one another. 
  • Pray for Surrender: Ask God to help you surrender any areas where you are holding back from fully following Jesus. 
  • Pray for Boldness: That each person would boldly embrace the gospel and live it out in their daily lives. 
  • Pray for Baptisms: If anyone has not been baptized, pray for clarity and boldness to take this next step of faith. 



  • Reassemble as a group and close in a final prayer, thanking God for His grace and asking for the strength to live lives fully surrendered to Jesus. 
  • Encourage group members to continue reflecting on this throughout the week by revisiting Acts 2 and Matthew 16 in their personal Bible study time. 


If you have any questions, please contact us at
Looking for a message-based study guide from a previous week? Find that here