This Week's Study Guide

Verse x Verse – Week 3

Message-based study guide for small groups. Looking for past study guides, click here

Main Idea     

When we trust our identity in Christ, we find courage to fight for God’s desires in our life.  




What is the best dessert you’ve ever had?  




How can we pray for you and/or your family?  



Spend some time praying together as the Holy Spirit leads. 




As a group, read Romans 8:12-17. Then, discuss the passage. 

  • What does this passage show you about God and what He wants for your life?  

  • What does this passage show you about your identity in Christ? Why is your identity in Christ significant to you?  

  • How does this passage encourage and challenge you?  




Pick someone to read Romans 8:12-17 slowly again. Then, give everyone a quiet moment to reflect and pray about the following: How do you need to more fully trust your identity as a child of God? 


If you have any questions, please contact us at
Looking for a message-based study guide from a previous week? Find that here